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Ottawa-Carleton Association for

Persons with Developmental Disabilities (OCAPDD)
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Board of Directors

The OCAPDD Board of Directors is made up of community volunteers who are widely connected in the Ottawa community. The Board is responsible for the formulation of policy, management and conduct of the affairs of the Association in accordance with its letters patent and by-laws.


The 2024-25 Board of Directors members include: 

Kathleen Stokely
Kathleen Stokely
Past Chair
Peter Homulos
Peter Homulos
Jodie Karpf
Jodie Karpf
David Newman
David Newman
Leslie Walker
Leslie Walker
Leslie Walker
Al Roberts
Leslie Walker
Martha Marr
Leslie Walker
Judy Bernstein
Leanne Pelley
Leanne Pelley
Jim Smith
Jim Smith
Christine Trauttmansdorff
Christine Trauttmansdorff
Majid Turmusani
Majid Turmusani

Board Nominations 

To be eligible to stand for election, you must be 18 years of older, and a member of OCAPDD for no less than thirty (30) days prior to the AGM and election on September 11, 2024. The 12 members of the Board of Directors are comprised of:

    • At least three who represent families / parents with disabled relative.
    • Two from the francophone community.
    • And the remainder from the public, private and non-profit sectors with every effort to ensure visible minority representation from the community, as appropriate. At this time we are eagerly looking for nominations from the francophone community.

If you would like to speak to the Board Nomination Chair, about the nominations process, please contact them at 613-569-8993 ext. 225.

Awards, Fundraising and Social Events:

Current Issues and Topics:

OASIS Bill 148 Submissions

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