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Ottawa-Carleton Association for

Persons with Developmental Disabilities (OCAPDD)
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Core Values

Values guide implementation of an organization's Mission. OCAPDD's values are based on the following beliefs.

  • OCAPDD believes in the dignity of individuals living with a developmental disability, as evidenced by the fact that: they can communicate; they can socialize; they can use public and community services; they can make responsible decisions; they can accept responsibilities; they can get hired; they can choose and realize personal goals; and, they can exercise their rights and responsibilities as Canadian Citizens.
  • OCAPDD believes that person centered planning empowers individuals with a disability label. In using this approach staff focus on clients and their needs by putting them in charge, when possible, of defining the direction for their lives.
  • OCAPDD believes that individuals living with a developmental disability should live in a respectful environment, as evidenced by the fact that: they live free from embarrassment, ridicule, abuse and harassment; there is respect for their personal choice within the constraints of their living and working environment; they have opportunity for privacy; confidentiality is maintained and, there is support for their possession of personal property.
  • OCAPDD believes in family involvement as individuals with developmental disabilities benefit when family members and support staff work together to support a disabled individual's decision making process.
  • OCAPDD believes that individuals living with a developmental disability should live in a safe environment, as evidenced by the fact that: they live in safe living arrangements; they live free from abuse; they have adequate protection for severe climatic conditions; and, there is an absence of accidents in their environment.
  •  OCAPDD believes that individuals living with a developmental disability should have / live healthy lifestyles (both physical, social and mental health), as evidenced by the fact that: they have involvement in disease prevention; they have involvement in recreation and exercise; they have a healthy diet; they have adequate personal hygiene; they have adequate access to health professionals; they have freedom from self-injurious behaviours; they make informed decisions about substance use (alcohol, drugs); they make informed decisions about relationships in the community; they have positive self-esteem; they are connected to natural support networks; and, there is respite for their family.
  • OCAPDD believes that individuals living with a developmental disability should have secure lives and equitable access to employment, financial security and secure housing.
  • OCAPDD believes that individuals living with a developmental disability should have equitable lives and that society recognizes the need to provide the following, as evidenced by the fact that: they can achieve the maximum of their potential; they have equitable access to specialized services; they have equitable access to general and community services; they have equitable access to transportation; they have equitable access to public education; they have equitable access to public funding; and, they receive services in the official language of their choice.
  • OCAPDD believes that individuals living with a developmental disability should receive a level of support and service which is based on a standard of excellence, as evidenced through all employees and volunteers by: continuous learning; professionalism; integrity; accountability; and, commitment to OCAPDD's stated Vision Statement and Core Values.
  • OCAPDD believes that it has a fiduciary responsibility to its funders, as evidenced by: its responsibility to handle it finances in a trustworthy manner; and, managing towards achieving a balanced budget each fiscal year
  • OCAPDD believes that collaboration with relevant groups generates ideas and solutions that ultimately benefit individuals with disabilities and their families. We are committed to sharing information and resources, giving and receiving constructive feedback, and listening with open minds.
  • OCAPDD believes in client support and a workplace for staff that respects race, colour, age, sex, sexual orientation, disability, or national ancestry; and works to eliminate or prevent such discrimination

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OASIS Bill 148 Submissions

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