OCAPDD / AOCPDI Open Hands Logo

Ottawa-Carleton Association for

Persons with Developmental Disabilities (OCAPDD)
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Residential Services

Residential Services

OCAPDD/Open Hands provide a variety of residential service options for individuals with developmental disabilities, both in Ottawa and Cornwall. We offer a number of different service models, including 24-hour care group living, homeshare and supported independent living. Each model is unique to the specific needs and strengths of the individuals supported and may include specialized support for individuals who have dual diagnosis, behavioural, physical or medical needs. 

Beyond providing support in all aspects of life in a safe and enriched environment, our person-centred supports are tailored to meet each individual’s goals. We foster independence and personal growth while promoting community involvement and relationships with friends and family. We also work collaboratively with many other services in the community.

OCAPDD/Open Hands are very fortunate to have a team of diverse, educated, hard working and dedicated full-time, part-time, and relief employees and skilled volunteers who are committed to providing quality care.

The Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services fund our residential services. Access to our services are made by referrals by Developmental Services Ontario (www.dsontario.ca).

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OASIS Bill 148 Submissions

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