OCAPDD / AOCPDI Open Hands Logo

Ottawa-Carleton Association for

Persons with Developmental Disabilities (OCAPDD)
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Homeshare / Lifeshare


Homeshare is a vibrant program designed to provide a residential alternative for an individual with a developmental disability where we match up individuals in “foster- care” type arrangement.

The individual, whose needs are compatible with your lifestyle, moves into your home where the person shares their life with you in an active manner. We are looking for someone just like you to be part of our program!

The real qualifications needed to be approved are a caring attitude and a commitment to understand the needs of those with a developmental disability.

There is financial remuneration, we offer ongoing training and we provide professional support.

If you are caring and one who has a commitment to enrich the life of an individual with a developmental disability, we would like to hear from you. Please fill out the enquiry form.



The Lifeshare program at Open Hands is a small but also significant area of the organization.   Lifeshare involves people becoming a part of a family, similar to the “foster care” model. People who may have previously resided in group homes or institutional care can benefit greatly by having the opportunity to become a significant and important part of a real family. Living together in a family unit offers a great way for people to become further connected to the community through the existing social networks by making new friends, joining new groups and living a good life.

The Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services fund our host family services. Access to our services are made by referrals by Developmental Services Ontario (Homepage | DSO (dsontario.ca)).


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